who we are
We are an experienced team of architects working together from our design studio in central Melbourne. We consider architecture as largely a local matter, even though we practice with an international awareness. Our focus has been on building a reputation for quality architecture, service to our clients and integrity of actions. We are committed to social justice and environmental sustainability as the critical challenges of our time. We are interested in a breadth of design culture, which seamlessly melds architecture, landscape and urban design. Most of all we enjoy what we do.
what we do
The practice specialises in public commissions, including urban infrastructure, education, arts and the community. Our clients are typically institutional organisations, schools, universities and government, among others. Our projects often involve complex sites with challenging heritage, planning and landscape controls. Projects typically follow the long journey from inception, briefing, master planning, feasibility, design, documentation and project delivery. Over 45 years of practice, we have developed long term relationships with a small but loyal client base.
the team
The PE_A team is a dedicated group of skilled architects with a range of experiences and talents covering the full breadth of architectural practice and beyond. We have cultivated over the life of the practice a strong reputation for quality architecture underpinned by a collaborative approach and service to our clients. The long term loyalty of the individuals that make up our team is a positive reflection on the culture of the practice which we value greatly. The stability of our team ensures a high level of quality and consistency running through all projects. This extends to the relationships we have built with our clients often over many years and multiple projects.

The 2017 Gold Medal, the Australian Institute of Architects highest honour, is awarded to Peter Elliott AM LFRAIA. The Gold Medal recognises distinguished service by architects who have designed or executed buildings of high merit, produced work of great distinction resulting in the advancement of architecture or endowed the profession of architecture in a distinguished manner. Remarkably, Peter Elliot has excelled in all these areas through his consistent practice of architecture in the public interest over many years.
Peter has made an exceptional contribution to the profession as a highly regarded and awarded architect, as a scholar with a long involvement in design teaching, and as an active and valued participant in support of the profession through the Institute, government, and in the broader community. A clear focus, gentle tenacity, integrity, and generosity of spirit underpin Peter’s approach to life and practice.
Best known for his capacity to navigate the complexities of public commissions with diplomacy and tact while ensuring the highest design standards are sustained, his work extends beyond architecture into the realm of landscape and urban design. Peter has completed an impressive and diverse range of projects throughout Melbourne, large and small, in his own right and also in association with others. Notable projects include Victoria University Law School, Deer Park by-pass, Melbourne Grammar Memorial Hall, and numerous buildings and urban spaces for the RMIT city campus. His focus on public, educational and urban projects of exceptional quality is evidenced by his achievements in the state and national architecture awards programs, with almost annual acknowledgement since the 1970s. In all, he has been recognised with in excess of 40 Institute Awards and received over 20 other industry awards. Peter has also served the profession extensively through membership of jury panels within the awards program.
Peter has participated frequently in exhibitions accompanied by the work of other named and distinguished peers: he has lectured frequently both within and outside the profession: he has authored an extensive series of articles on contemporary architectural design and philosophy while being recognised as a leading practitioner. His recent publication “Episodic Urbanism’ characteristically focuses on a place rather than his practice, yet this story of a twenty year transformation of RMIT’s inner Melbourne campus demonstrates an insightful and sensitive understanding of urban transformation at its best.
His work has been widely published and he has been a finalist in major architectural competitions. Peter’s contribution to architecture and public housing was recognised in being awarded an Order of Australia at the unusually early age of 37. He has extended his professional career into advice to government, secondary and tertiary education institutions, the arts and local government organisations, particularly through urban design and conservation advice, where he has made a valued contribution.
Peter Elliott’s leadership also encompasses his extensive role as a teacher. He commenced teaching in 1974 at The University of Melbourne and later at the RMIT University, where he served as an Adjunct Professor from 1994 to 2000. Peter is currently a Senior Research Fellow and Adjunct Professor at Monash University Department of Architecture. His teaching both in the Schools of Architecture and within his own studio has influenced and encouraged numerous students, many of whom are now practicing in their own right and are a testament to his interest in the profession. His passion for the education of architects and upholding the standards of the profession extends to serving on the University of Melbourne’s Department of Architecture and Building, Architecture Advisory Board (1985 to 1988) and the Architect’s Registration Board, as AACA examiner in Architectural Practice.
Peter’s intelligence, humanity and humility has endeared him to many in the profession, and earned him the highest respect within government and the community. The breadth and depth of his interpretation of the human experience of the city provides an exemplary model for architectural practice. Peter Elliot is a most worthy recipient of the Australian Institute of Architects Gold Medal by his exceptional contribution through design, to architectural education, leadership within the profession, and promotion of architecture within the community.
read articles
AIA Project Review
watch videos
Parliament of Victoria
Open House Melbourne & Heritage Council Victoria
Modern Melbourne Documentary Film Series Interview with Peter Elliott AM
Open House Melbourne 2020
Parliament of Victoria
Peter Elliott AM
Peter Elliott is the founding Director and design leader of the practice which commenced in 1975. He is currently an Adjunct Professor of Practice at the Faculty of Art Design & Architecture at Monash University. He was the recipient of the 2017 Gold Medal from the Australian Institute of Architects. In 2015 he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Architecture by the University of Melbourne. He has a special interest in the design of the public realm, and has lectured and written extensively on contemporary architecture and urban design. The work of the practice has won more than 80 National and State architectural and industry awards including the RAIA Victorian Architecture Medal 1991 for the Carlton Baths and Community Centre, and in 2019 the Members'Annexe Parliament of Victoria. In 1987, Peter received an Order of Australia for services to architecture (public housing).
B.Arch (Hons) (Melb)
M.Arch (RMIT)
D.Arch (Honoris Causa) (Melb)
Adjunct Professor of Practice, Faculty of Art Design & Architecture Monash University
ARBV Registered Architect
Recent Selected Projects
Members' Annexe, Parliament of Victoria
Ian Potter Centre for Performing Arts, Monash University
School for Performing Arts and Creative Education, Geelong Grammar School
Memorial Hall & Shelmerdine Music Centre, Melbourne Grammar School
Myer Music Centre, Melbourne Grammar School
William Buckley Bridge, Barwon Heads
M80 Ring Road Urban Design, VicRoads
Peter Elliott
founding director
email Peter
Sean van der Velden
Sean commenced with the practice as a first year architecture student at RMIT University and quickly became a valued member of the office. His appreciation of the design approach and philosophy of the practice has seen him evolve over the last 22 years as an integral design leader into his current role as Senior Associate. Sean has an enthusiastic interest in graphic communication and wayfinding strategies. He has designed and developed the practice website and is responsible for much of the promotional and presentation material produced by the office.
B.Arch (Hons 1st Class) (RMIT)
BA (La Trobe University)
ARBV Registered Architect
Recent Selected Projects
Croxton Special School, Northcote
Sandringham Primary School
Myer Music Centre, Melbourne Grammar School
Members' Annexe, Parliament of Victoria
Building 11 Refurbishment, Former Old Melbourne Gaol, RMIT University
Sean van der Velden
senior associate
email Sean
Jonathan Wong
Jonathan joined the practice in 2010 bringing with him expertise in the documentation and administration of a wide range of residential and institutional buildings. As an Associate, Jonathan is part of the leadership team overseeing the management of the practice.
Jonathan has a strong interest in projects involving the refurbishment and extensions to existing buildings, often within heritage precincts. He has a strong reputation in leading and managing complex projects. As a senior project architect, Jonathan leads projects from inception, through design, documentation and construction stages
B Arch (1st Hons) BPD (UoM)
ARBV Registered Architect
Recent Selected Projects
East Wing Refurbishment, Parliament of Victoria
Members' Annexe, Parliament of Victoria
Trinity College, The University of Melbourne, various residential projects
Carlton Baths & Family Resource Centre, City of Melbourne
George Hicks Building, International House, The University of Melbourne
William Buckley Bridge, Barwon Heads
Jonathan Wong
senior associate
email Jonathan
Daniel Bennetts
Daniel joined Peter Elliott Architects in 2006 whilst studying at RMIT University. He has completed a Bachelor of Design Architecture and a Master of Architecture with Distinction. Since joining the practice, Daniel has been involved in a diverse range of complex public and educational projects. His experience covers all aspects of projects from the design development stage through to documentation and project delivery. Daniel’s great skill is his technical knowledge and understanding of building construction. Daniel enjoys the challenge of leading multi-disciplinary teams and has most recently worked on a number of complex performing arts projects
B.ArchDes (Hons) (RMIT)
M.Arch (RMIT)
ARBV Registered Architect
Recent Selected Projects
Croxton Special School, Northcote
Sandringham Primary School
Ian Potter Centre for Performing Arts, Monash University
School for Performing Arts & Creative Education, Geelong Grammar School
A’Beckett Urban Square, RMIT University
University Lawn Precinct, RMIT University
M80 Upgrade, VicRoads
Daniel Bennetts
email Daniel
Hosna Saleem
Hosna joined the practice as a fourth year Architecture student in 2012 and has quickly risen to become an Associate. Hosna’s background in visual arts and photography underpins her diverse roles within the practice. Hosna ranges across all stages of project delivery from inception through design development, documentation and construction. Hosna’s great skill is in graphic illustration and the visual communication of ideas.
M.ArchDes (Monash University)
B.Arch (Monash University)
B.ContArts (Deakin University)
ARBV Registered Architect
Recent Selected Projects
Croxton Special School, Northcote
Members' Annexe, Parliament of Victoria
Ian Potter Centre for Performing Arts, Monash University
Building 11 Redevelopment, RMIT University
School for Performing Arts & Creative Education, Geelong Grammar School
Carlton Baths & Family Resource Centre, City of Melbourne
Hosna Saleem
email Hosna
Geoff Barton
As a long-standing member of the design team, Geoff has been predominantly involved in the development and resolution of the design and documentation stages of projects. He is a talented illustrator and master renderer, producing many beautiful drawings. Geoff is highly skilled with an extensive knowledge of the construction process and the making of buildings. He brings his experience and practical knowledge to each project working closely with clients, consultants and contractors.
B.Arch (Hons) (RMIT)
BA (La Trobe University)
Recent Selected Projects
Myer Music Centre, Melbourne Grammar School
Ian Potter Centre for Performing Arts, Monash University
School of Performing Arts & Creative Education, Geelong Grammar School
Building 11 Refurbishment, Former Old Melbourne Gaol, RMIT University
Members' Annexe, Parliament of Victoria
Geoff Barton
email Geoff
Shigeru Iijima
Shigeru joined Peter Elliott Architects in 2012 during his fourth year of university studies. Since arriving in Melbourne in 2009, he has completed his Bachelor and Masters of architectural studies at Monash University and immersed himself in the architectural and design culture of Melbourne. Shigeru is a highly skilled architect working principally from the early concept stage of projects through to documentation and construction delivery. He has experience working for Go Hasegawa (Japan) and CPG Corporation (Singapore) prior to Peter Elliott Architects, and values working with people in a cross-cultural environment.
B.ArchDes (Monash University)
M.Arch (Monash University)
ARBV Registered Architect
Recent Selected Projects
Members' Annexe, Parliament of Victoria
East Wing Refurbishment, Parliament of Victoria
Carlton Baths & Family Resource Centre, City of Melbourne
Trinity College, University of Melbourne, Cowan, Clarke & Behan buildings
Shigeru Iijima
Shigeru joined Peter Elliott Architects in 2012 during his fourth year of university studies. Since arriving in Melbourne in 2009, he has completed his Bachelor and Masters of architectural studies at Monash University and immersed himself in the architectural and design culture of Melbourne. Shigeru is a highly skilled architect working principally from the early concept stage of projects through to documentation and construction delivery. He has experience working for Go Hasegawa (Japan) and CPG Corporation (Singapore) prior to Peter Elliott Architects, and values working with people in a cross-cultural environment.
B.ArchDes (Monash University)
M.Arch (Monash University)
ARBV Registered Architect
Recent Selected Projects
Members' Annexe, Parliament of Victoria
East Wing Refurbishment, Parliament of Victoria
Carlton Baths & Family Resource Centre, City of Melbourne
Trinity College, University of Melbourne, Cowan, Clarke & Behan buildings
Shigeru Iijima
email Shigeru
Juliet Matthews
Juliet joined the practice in 2007 whilst studying at RMIT University where she completed a Bachelor of Architectural Design in 2008 and Master of Architecture in 2011. Juliet has been involved in a diverse range of projects throughout her time at the practice, including educational, institutional, infrastructure and master planning commissions. Juliet’s special skill is in the development of architectural interiors. Her knowledge of materials and products has led her to be central to the design development phase across many of the practice’s projects; working with client and project teams in establishing overall interior concepts. Juliet is passionate about creating considered built environments, ensuring thoughtful and engaging spaces.
B.ArchDes (RMIT)
M.Arch (RMIT)
ARBV Registered Architect
Recent Selected Projects
Sandringham Primary School Rebuild
Myer Music Centre, Melbourne Grammar School
Members' Annexe, Parliament of Victoria
School of Performing Arts & Creative Education, Geelong Grammar School
Building 11 Refurbishment, Former Old Melbourne Gaol, RMIT University
Juliet Matthews
email Juliet
Diana Galimova
email Diana
Tara Swincer
student of architecture
email Tara
Heidi Germaine
office manager
email Heidi