City of Adelaide North Terrace Redevelopment
client City of Adelaide
status Complete 2005 - 2011
location North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia
traditional land owners Kaurna People
design team PEA with Taylor Cullity Lethlean
photography Grant Hancock, John Gollings and Ben Wrigley
North Terrace is Adelaide’s premier civic street. It is 2.5 kilometres long and is lined with an extraordinary array of cultural, civic, educational, health, recreation and commercial institutions unique in Australia. Whilst the Terrace still functioned as a civic place of importance by the late 1990’s it had become tired and overgrown and was in need of a major over-haul. The project commenced in 2000 with the preparation of a Development Framework Plan, followed by concept designs and staged implementation. This was an intensely collaborative project with Peter Elliott, Taylor Cullity Lethlean and Paul Carter as cultural interpreter. What distinguishes the Terrace from other civic boulevards is the unusual asymmetric alignment of street and spacious northern linear garden served by inner and outer paths thus creating a grand terrace walk. The northern edge of the Terrace is rich public terrain for each institution that lines it provides a different form of civic forecourt that over-locks the garden walk.
2006 BDP Australia
Urban Design Award
2006 Australian Institute of Landscape Architects
National Merit Award in Landscape Architecture [design category]
2006 Australian Institute of Architects
The Adelaide Prize
2005 C&CAA Public Domain Awards
Streets Category [winner]
Precincts Category [commendation]
2005 BDP Australia
Urban Design Award
2005 Australian Institute of Landscape Architects
Project Award [design excellence]